

HÅNDVÆRK is not a magazine, it¿s not a book ¿ it¿s a bookazine! This second issue revolves around textile, which plays a key role throughout our lives in many different ways. The bookazine has a Scandinavian perspective and a global outlook and is full of stories about passionate artisans in the form of interviews and features accompanied by amazing and inspiring photos.The HÅNDVÆRK bookazine invites you to meet a wide range of talented, dedicated craftspeople, artisans, makers and communicators. In this new issue, Rigetta Klint has spoken to weavers, hatters and knitwear, fashion and textile designers. Thus, this issue of the bookazine offers insight into many types of fibres and knowledge about a wide variety of textile crafts.

I butikk til2024-05-15
Pris Sverige399.00 kr
Pris Norge475.00 kr
Kommer ut2 Tider / år

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