
What if Book of A H

The stories we encounter as we explore history are captivating, however, one
irresistible question we are often left with is, ¿What if it happened differently?¿
In this new volume of What if¿ The Book of Alternative History, experts examine
defining moments throughout the 20th Century and paint a picture of how things
could have gone. We will ask, ¿What if JFK had survived?¿ We will explore an alternate
reality where Russia stepped onto the moon first. We¿ll picture what music would
sound like if The Beatles had never formed. All this and more can be found in What If?
Alternative History: 20th Century!

What if Book of A H
I butikk til2025-02-12
Pris Sverige299.00 kr
Pris Norge379.00 kr
Kommer ut1 Tider / år

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