
Yacht Design

Yacht Design talks about boating by narrating circular stories about passion for the sea, with a focus on design, which is a fundamental driver of the industry. Design absorbed in art, shapes, environment, material, technology, innovation, major international trade shows, culture, literature, economy, key leaders, destinations, regattas, great navigations. A way of communicating built for an international audience, with a system logic that binds ¿paper¿, video backslide and social identity. The main language is English. It will be a collector¿s magazine. The stylish appearance, the format, the paper, the images, the writing will all be chosen among the best in the market.

Yacht Design
I butikk til2024-07-10
Pris Sverige349.00 kr
Pris Norge395.00 kr
Kommer ut2 Tider / år

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